Hiking trails

Route of St. Pere del Bosc i Riera Passapera

Route data

Tourist Information Office
Tourist Information Office
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
157 m.
Máx. Elevación
157 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°
overcast clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 91%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /20°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    20° /18°

    Humidity Image 87%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 80%

Circular route around Sant Pere del Bosc, an ancient Benedictine abbey renovated by architect Puig i Cadafalch, located in the midst of a natural environment of hills and Mediterranean forests of pine and oak.

Circular route around Sant Pere del Bosc, an ancient Benedictine abbey renovated by architect Puig i Cadafalch, located in the midst of a natural environment of hills and Mediterranean forests of pine and oak. The path passes through different heritage elements such as the hermitage of St. Quirze, the monument to the Àngel, or the Creu de Terme.

On the way back, the route will lead us to take a path that descends along the edge of the Passapera stream, delving into the lush and humid vegetation of the forest entwined with climbing plants. All of this will make us feel far away from the urban center despite being so close. Before reaching the endpoint, you can visit the Modernist Cemetery!

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°C
overcast clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 91%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /20°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    20° /18°

    Humidity Image 87%