Road routes

Lloret de Mar - Calonge - La Bisbal - Santa Pellaia - Sant Grau - Lloret de Mar

Route data

Lloret de Mar
Lloret de Mar
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
1850 m.
Máx. Elevación
1850 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Santa Cristina de Aro

Weather Image 17°C
Real feel 17°
few clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 93%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    20° /20°

    Humidity Image 79%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    21° /19°

    Humidity Image 84%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 78%

Without a doubt, this is the star route of the area thanks to the beautiful setting of the road between Tossa de Mar and Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Enjoy pedalling amid the green and silver holm oaks and the turquoise coves of the authentic Costa Brava, against the constant backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea.

Without a doubt, this is the star route of the area thanks to the beautiful setting of the road between Tossa de Mar and Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Enjoy pedalling amid the green and silver holm oaks and the turquoise coves of the authentic Costa Brava, against the constant backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea. As if that wasn’t enough, three mountain passes complete this spectacular, tough route!

Previsión Meteorología

Santa Cristina de Aro

Weather Image 17°C
Real feel 17°C
few clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 93%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    20° /20°

    Humidity Image 79%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    21° /19°

    Humidity Image 84%