Road routes

Lloret de Mar - Sant Grau – Llagostera – Tossa - Lloret de Mar

Route data

Lloret de Mar
Lloret de Mar
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
650 m.
Máx. Elevación
650 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Tossa de Mar

Weather Image 17°C
Real feel 17°
few clouds
  • Sat

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 80%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 87%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    17° /16°

    Humidity Image 78%

A short ride to stretch your legs along the most spectacular road on the Costa Brava, crowned by the most famous peak in the area: Alt de Sant Grau. Perfect for making the most of the time available on the day you arrive or just before catching your flight home.

A short ride to stretch your legs along the most spectacular road on the Costa Brava, crowned by the most famous peak in the area: Alt de Sant Grau. Perfect for making the most of the time available on the day you arrive or just before catching your flight home.

Previsión Meteorología

Tossa de Mar

Weather Image 17°C
Real feel 17°C
few clouds
  • Sat

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 80%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 87%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    17° /16°

    Humidity Image 78%