Road routes

Lloret de Mar - Sant Grau - Romanyà de la Selva - Lloret de Mar

Route data

Lloret de Mar
Lloret de Mar
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
1600 m.
Máx. Elevación
1600 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Santa Cristina d'Aro

Weather Image 14°C
Real feel 14°
overcast clouds
  • Sat

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 78%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 86%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 78%

Between the sea and the mountains, this route takes us in an anti-clockwise direction, starting with a climb with sea views from Alt de Sant Grau before passing through Romanyà in the heart of the Gavarres Massif and culminating on the most spectacular road of the Costa Brava. This classic route is not to be missed!

Between the sea and the mountains, this route takes us in an anti-clockwise direction, starting with a climb with sea views from Alt de Sant Grau before passing through Romanyà in the heart of the Gavarres Massif and culminating on the most spectacular road of the Costa Brava. This classic route is not to be missed!

Previsión Meteorología

Santa Cristina d'Aro

Weather Image 14°C
Real feel 14°C
overcast clouds
  • Sat

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 78%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 86%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 78%