MTB routes


Route data

Llortet de Mar
Llortet de Mar
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
336 m.
Máx. Elevación
336 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°
broken clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    15° /15°

    Humidity Image 92%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /19°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 87%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    17° /17°

    Humidity Image 79%

A short route to stretch your legs, including a climb to the summit of Puig del Montgròs. Don’t be deceived by the first few kilometres of flat riding as we head out of Lloret de Mar because we soon begin a steep 5 km climb all the way to the top of Puig de Montgròs, with an elevation of 314 metres. Enjoy the wonderful panoramic views!

A short route to stretch your legs, including a climb to the summit of Puig del Montgròs. Don’t be deceived by the first few kilometres of flat riding as we head out of Lloret de Mar because we soon begin a steep 5 km climb all the way to the top of Puig de Montgròs, with an elevation of 314 metres. Enjoy the wonderful panoramic views!

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°C
broken clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    15° /15°

    Humidity Image 92%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /19°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    19° /17°

    Humidity Image 87%