MTB routes

Sant Pere del Bosc Cycling

Route data

Lloret de Mar
Lloret de Mar
Circular route
Máx. Elevación
250 m.
Máx. Elevación
250 m.

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°
broken clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 91%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /20°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    20° /18°

    Humidity Image 87%

  • Mon

    Weather Image

    18° /18°

    Humidity Image 80%

This short route is ideal for stretching your legs in the immediate surroundings of Lloret de Mar, discovering the chapels and oratories of the nearby forest area. Ideal as a complement to a physical conditioning session and when you don’t have time to complete a longer route.

This short route is ideal for stretching your legs in the immediate surroundings of Lloret de Mar, discovering the chapels and oratories of the nearby forest area. Ideal as a complement to a physical conditioning session and when you don’t have time to complete a longer route.

Previsión Meteorología

Lloret de Mar

Weather Image 18°C
Real feel 18°C
broken clouds
  • Fri

    Weather Image

    16° /16°

    Humidity Image 91%

  • Sat

    Weather Image

    19° /20°

    Humidity Image 82%

  • Sun

    Weather Image

    20° /18°

    Humidity Image 87%