Section Lloret Museum - Cala Trons

(1,6 Km)

D’en Plaja Castle

D’en Plaja Castle

Located at the end of Sa Caleta beach, it’s one of the symbols of Lloret de Mar. IT IS A PRIVATE RESIDENCE.

Located at the end of Sa Caleta beach, it’s one of the symbols of Lloret de Mar.

While it appears to be an ancient castle, it’s actually a summer home built in 1935 by Girona industry magnate Narcís Plaja and designed by Girona architect Isidor Bosch. While work began in the 1930s, the house was not completed until the 1940s, after the end of the civil war.

The construction of the house was surrounded by controversy among the local population. However, its image has become one of the town’s identifying symbols as, over the years, it has been the subject of postcards as well as photographs taken by the thousands of tourists who visit Lloret.